Club of Rome Summer Academy - Climate Justice Workshop 2017
From 7 to 13 September 2017 the first Club of Rome Summer Academy “Challenging an unsustainable economic system” took place in Florence (Italy) in cooperation with the University of Florence. The Academy brought together students and academics, young professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs, artists and activists as well as some of the world’s leading social and systems thinkers. The conference offered in-depth, cutting-edge insights into the problems of our economic system and into various potential solutions. About 120 people from 25 different countries participated.
In this occasion, I wrote and delivered the workshop “Human Rights and Climate Change: the role of Climate Justice in the SDGs realisation” to one of the working groups of the Club of Rome Summer Academy.
The topics included:
- Generative Communication (Luca Toschi, University of Florence)
- Can We Still Meet the Paris Agreement? (Anders Wijkman, Co-President of the Club of Rome)
- Tech for Humanity – Reflections on the Technological Revolution (Carlos Pereira, Anders Wijkman)
- A New Enlightenment: At the Core of the New Club of Rome Report “Come On” (Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Co-President of the Club of Rome)
- Ressources, Greed & Cooperation: Fishbanks Simulation Game (Orsolya Ujj, Brigitta Pulay, and Atilla Krall)
- The Seneca Effect – Why Growth is Slow, But Collapse is Rapid (Ugo Bardi, University of Florence)
- Solving Inequality – A Central Platform for the Health of the Population, the Economy and the Planet (Kate Pickett, University of York)
- Medeas Workshop: Designing a New Energy-Economy Model (Ugo Bardi, Sara Falsini, Davide Natalini, Ilaria Perissi, Jordi Sole, Inigo Cappellan-Perez, and Sara Falsini)
- New Well-Being Measures – Beyond GDP Workshop (Katherine Trebeck, Oxfam UK)
- Reshaping Capitalism: An Asian Worldview (Chandran Nair, Founder Global Institute for Tomorrow)
- Doughnut Economics (Kate Raworth, Oxford University)
- An Ethical Foundation for Economics in the Anthropocene (Peter Brown, McGill University)
Working Groups:
- Human Rights and Climate Change: how Climate Justice can help in the SDGs realisation (Chiara Soletti)
- Economic Policy Design for the Great Transformation (Amanda Janoo)
- Grassroots Activism (Florian Carl and Katherine Ghermans)
- What Do You Want for 2050? Exploring our Footprint Futures: Concepts and Applications (Mathis Wackernagel, Founder Global Footprint Network)
- A New Heterodox Macro Model (Jorgen Randers, BI Norwegian Business School)
- Prosperity Without Growth – Foundations for a New Economy (Tim Jackson, Surrey University)