Young European Leadership – Young European Council 2014
The Young European Council (YEC) is a regional conference bringing together passionate young people from each EU Member State. The YEC takes place inside and outside the European Parliament, European Commission and Council of the European Union. The event aims at fostering the exchange between future leaders and top policy makers and providing innovative yet realistic input to inform European policy making.
Guests of this edition:
- Mr. Michel Lebrun, President of the European Committee of Regions
- Ms. Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action
- Mr. Matt Dann Secretary General, Secretary General Bruegel
- Ms. Cheryl D. Miller, Co-Founder of the Digital Leadership Institute International
In the capacity of Communication Officer for the “Young European Council ” (YEC), I coordinated the promotion (online via social media end off line through YEL’s network) and the media coverage of the event. I was also in charge of the media content production and the training of the Media Delegates participating to the YEC. The 2014 edition saw the participation of 97 young Europeans, 63% of which were recruited thanks to the social media campaign I designed and delivered.
For more information please visit Young European Leadership’s website.
Tags: Media Content Production, Event management, Communication